Hello, Heartbeats! This week’s tarot and oracle general reading invites us to think about value. We’re using the Romantic Tarot deck, The Faeries’ Oracle, and the Divine Abundance oracle cards – details about authors and publishers, at the bottom of the post. Oh, how I wish the whole world could indeed be in the state of security we’re going to talk about! 🤗

Judging from the tarot cards, it appears that we’ve recently secured some sort of abundance. The Six of Wands shows accomplishment, arriving at a place of satisfaction with yourself and/or social recognition. Followed by the Ten of Pentacles, it speaks of feeling that your place in the world is secure enough to be consolidated. What does that mean? Developing wealth, a family, or whatever makes you feel you’re living an abundant life, in an abundant home, community, and world. Do you have to be rich to feel this way? No, but literal riches could help. 😉

And here, the Knight of Pentacles puts wealth into perspective. Financial wealth is pretty straightforward, but resourcefulness can also be translated into wealth. The true value of wealth resides in its circulation, and this is precisely what the Knight of Pentacles embodies. He knows that money is only one of the facets of value, a stage in a cycle. 💸

Therefore, having your basic needs covered can make you feel comfortable offering something valuable to the world. According to your financial status, that could mean money, other material resources, but also a service, or anything that others are willing to pay for. Different people value different things at different times, but if you’re too preoccupied with your personal problems and lacks, you won’t be able to see those opportunities to give, because you won’t see yourself as being resourceful enough.

This week, the general collective is encouraged to focus on resourcefulness. The Bright Mother, the epitome of fertility and nourishment, turned up to enhance this point. We have enough to share. We don’t need to give away things that barely cover our necessities, but there is always something valuable we can offer, contributing to our communities that, in turn, will give back to us. 🤝

In this context, the card Change, speaks further about the fluidity of wealth, especially if we look closer at its message:
When the ego finally sees the utter madness of trying to control everything, you come to a sacred crossroads in your own evolution.
Yes, we could view money simply as money, but we’re offered the chance to broaden our understanding, and see a bigger picture of wealth: do I save money and energy to feed my ego, or do I make a contribution for the sake of contributing, no rigid conditions or expectations?
If you see yourself as a fountain of value, you’ll grow more and more secure in your confidence and ability to bring material wealth into your life. Especially if you keep up to the rhythm of love!
Tarot and oracle decks used for this reading:
- Romantic Tarot by Emanuela Signorini, artwork by Giulia F. Massaglia, published by Lo Scarabeo
- The Faeries’ Oracle by Brian Froud, text by Jessica Macbeth, published by Atria Books, Simon & Schuster
- Divine Abundance Oracle Cards by Tosha Silver, art by Fena Gonzalez, published by Hay House
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