Hello, Heartbeats! Brace yourselves for the iconoclastic vibes of this week’s reading. The details for the Romantic Tarot and the other two decks used in this reading will be listed at the end of the reading, but first… the reading. 👓

The Hierophant is standing in the pulpit of St. Stephen’s Cathedral (Vienna, Austria), holding the Madonna lily in his right hand, as if showing the ideal standard a Christian should aim to reach: the fruitful purity of Virgin Mary. This sermon has been echoing against the stone walls for hundreds of years. It is tradition, it is morals, it is the way. Inside this venerable sanctuary, life is always the same, from rituals to philosophical perspective. However, outside, life is always in motion. 🚂

At the railway station, trains come and go around the clock. Passengers travel, stories unfold, risks and chances are taken. When the red train wagons stop for a few minutes, people don’t welcome their loved ones with white lilies but with their arms, smiles, and kisses. In practice, life is short, fleeting, and fruitfulness is cherishing what you have right now in your life… and who you have in your arms. They come with a variety of challenges, they are fickle, and we have to maintain our sense of self in order to deal with theirs in a healthy manner. Lilies in the wild are not symbolic; they follow a biological process of development and decay, and, for a while, they radiate splendor. Their splendor is the same whether they are out in a garden or inside a church, but it lasts longer in nature, where it doesn’t just serve symbolic purposes. 🌼🌼🌼
So, what stone statues do you have to move in order to ease the flow of your life? Strength doesn’t always manifest as force or domination, sometimes, it is endurance and/or containment, but it always requires you to make an effort. Without effort, there is no proof, measure, or growth of strength. This week, we are challenged to replace stone ideals with real-life experiences, to live up to our capabilities, not dogmatic idealistic precepts.
Now, let’s look at the two oracle cards in this reading.

The image of the Pause card has always made me think of those moments when we are acutely aware that we are part of nature in both biology and magic. That awareness doesn’t come in the halls of cathedrals or in the thrill of physical experiences. It comes in moments of pause, when we can hear our heartbeats harmonizing with the rustle of the leaves and our skin merging with the breeze, when each second mirrors eternity.
The next card, Being Enough, clarifies this reading further:
The innermost heart says, “You are enough. Nowhere to go, nothing to get, nothing to change. No need to grow more deserving. You, yes You, are Love.”
Both of these additional cards remind us that divinity manifests through us and all around us. It manifests in little ways and in grand ways, in ceremonials and everyday laxity, in stone carvings and red rail wagons, in lilies and in lovers’ arms. Pause and listen to what resonates with you right now, and that’s the divine path you’re meant to take at this time – because, no matter what, you are one with the path.
Tarot and oracle decks used for this reading:
- Romantic Tarot by Emanuela Signorini, artwork by Giulia F. Massaglia, published by Lo Scarabeo
- Nature’s Whispers by Angela Hartfield, artwork by Josephine Wall, published by Blue Angel Publishing
- The Wild Offering Oracle by Tosha Silver, artwork by Katie Daisy, published by Hay House
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