Hello, Heartbeats! Now that the holidays are over (Happy New Year! 🎉), it’s time to start taking the necessary steps towards what we wish or need to accomplish this week, this month, this year. Our general collective tarot and oracle reading for the week features the Tarot of the Golden Wheel by Mila Losenko and two oracle decks, all of which are listed at the end of this post. Let’s roll up our sleeves! 💪

New year, new you – doesn’t that sound lovely?! But in order for it to be true, we have to put in a lot of work. New Year’s Eve passed quickly, the clock struck midnight, the fireworks lit up the sky, and countless wishes swelled our hearts with excitement and hope. Then, morning came, and the confetti needed to be swept off the floor and someone had to do the dishes. When the party is over, we are reminded that daily life is an endless succession of chores. Ignore or postpone those chores for too long and the consequences will derail you, complicating life, entangling you in chaos and hardship. We’ve all experienced this to some degree. That is probably why – according to this week’s reading – the collective is kicking off the new year in a conscientious disposition.

Some truth has been faced and accepted lately, and this attitude made us realize the benefits, or even necessity, of working steadily towards what we need and/or wish to achieve. Whether that truth pill was as easy or hard to swallow is unimportant, because the result is the same.
The Eight of Wheels/Pentacles represents focus on practical matters and, most of all, self-improvement through repetition and dedication. This energy is what you need to employ when you want to become better at your job (and consequently earn more), improve your skills and talents, or get in shape – any goal that needs your sustained attention, time, and effort before it rewards you. Many of our New Year’s resolutions can be reached this way. Let’s hope this year the usual January rush toward our goals doesn’t fizzle out by the end of the month.
The Knight of Wands shows what could motivate our self-development efforts: increased potential, more room for spontaneity, creativity, even admiration. In order to dart forward with confidence, we have to make sure we can do it – by training ourselves.

Angel Elemiah is perfect for this reading because he brings the best out of challenges. He encourages you to give your all, to abandon yourself in the process of growing/learning/improving, letting change flow through you and transform you. Then, let your new gifts flow into the world, to the people who need them.
If you look closely at the Seek Beauty card, you can see that the character in the picture is immersed in water. With a head full of wishes, she contemplates dandelions, other wishes in various stages of development. She is surrounded by architectural beauty that seems to be partly underwater. This card gives additional depth to the Eight of Wheels/Pentacles and is an echo of Elemiah. Together, these cards speak of high and noble aspirations. For the woman in the picture, time is suspended, as she dreams of beauty. By being preoccupied with beauty, she becomes more beautiful. Also, the beauty in her is what opens her up to more beauty. It’s all about the flow of helpful, constructive, inspiring energies that can lead to manifestations of beauty and goodness for other people, and, through that, for ourselves.
If repetitive work gets boring, seek beauty – in your mind. Think of the new opportunities that will open up for you, the people your work will help, the happiness you will inspire, your feeling of satisfaction, your self-appreciation, etc.
Keep up to the rhythm of love and have a lovely productive week… and year!
Tarot and oracle decks used for this reading:
Tarot of the Golden Wheel by Mila Losenko, published by U.S. Games Systems
Karma Angels by Marcus Katz and Tali Goodwin, art by A. A. Atanassov, published by Lo Scarabeo
Nature’s Whispers by Angela Hartfield, artwork by Josephine Wall, published by Blue Angel Publishing
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