Hello, Heartbeats! We start the week with a lot of energized potential, but what is it serving? And, most importantly, does it serve you? 🤔 If you are interested in the tarot and oracle decks used in this general collective reading, they are listed at the bottom of this post. For now, let’s focus on this week’s messages. 💌

The reading starts with raw energy, pure creative potential, the Ace of Acorns/Wands, the Ram 🐑, unencumbered drive, will, and force. But this is what needs to be tempered this week – not inhibited, just balanced out with the right thoughts and emotions. The two other tarot cards are The Star and the Four of Shells/Cups, representations of passive energies, both illustrated by birds that are not in flight, but on and in water. Water is the element that symbolizes emotion. Emotions drive us most of the time, and they can create powerful currents for our efforts and creativity. Now, this can be positive or not. This reading reminds us that, by paying attention to our emotions, we can consciously choose (or at least be aware of) the direction and purpose of our endeavors.

The Star is the main energy this week. It speaks about healing and wish fulfillment. It is represented by the Swan 🦢 in the Spiritsong Tarot, a symbol of graceful, loyal, enduring love. There is only one swan in the illustration, so this love is not necessarily romantic. It is the essence of love, our own capacity to love, our loving essence, that inner place of tranquility, faith, and healing that allows us to connect and establish healthy relationships. With its long and curved neck, the swan looks down at the water, maybe at its own reflection, suggesting self-contemplation.
The Crane in the Four of Shells/Cups card contemplates its surroundings, while keeping its feet in water. While traditionally a card of boredom and dissatisfaction, the Four of Cups in this deck stands for soul-searching and re-evaluation. You’re not exactly where you want to be, but you have the necessary stability to take a look at your emotions, aspirations, motivations.

The Mutable Moon 🌜 reminds us that emotions don’t last. They fluctuate like water, like the waves of the ocean. So, do not worry that a brief pause for assessment will tamper your drive. If it does, than you’re probably not on a path that honors your potential and heart’s desire – which is not bad, because knowing what doesn’t serve us helps us clarify what does.
The Loneliness card is an additional encouragement to really be present within yourself and pay attention to your truth, adding social context to your soul-searching.
When you stop fearing your aloneness, you stop settling for less than you deserve. May I embrace and love my solitude! And that’s when kindred spirits can finally come.
Is it worth pretending to be someone you’re not just to keep people you don’t truly resonate with in your life? No, that drains your precious energy.

The last oracle card reminds you to “heighten your vitality”. Vitality is more than energy. It has a component of enjoying life, feeling alive, making use of vital energy. The illustration suggests detachment and contemplation of possibilities. There is an infinity of things you could do with your energy, but your time is limited, so choices must be made. Step outside time and obligations, and let your heart point to the choices that make you feel excited to be alive.
As always, I’m wishing you all the best, and keep up to the rhythm of love!
Tarot and oracle decks used for this reading:
Spiritsong Tarot by Paulina Cassidy, published by U.S. Games Systems
Nature’s Whispers by Angela Hartfield, artwork by Josephine Wall, published by Blue Angel Publishing
The Wild Offering Oracle by Tosha Silver, artwork by Katie Daisy, published by Hay House
Moonology Oracle Cards by Yasmin Boland, artwork by Nyx Rowan, published by Hay House
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