Good rest is essential to the proper functioning of your body. You, most likely, already know that. However, in practice, time hardly fits our task lists, and whenever we could use a few extra hours in a day, we end up sleeping less. After all, we can manage to sleep less than 8 hours per night, right? It depends, but this is not an article about the amount of sleep time one needs for optimal health.
Daily life is stressful today. You are bombarded with information, whether you want it or not, whether you know it or not. Your mind has a lot to deal with, your senses are continuously stimulated, and getaways are often postponed. Feeling overwhelmed, exhausted and depressed is a very common condition. So, it makes perfect sense to take any chance for relaxation and enjoy it as much as possible.
Sleep is the handiest form of relaxation. You’re going to fall asleep anyway, sooner or later, why not get the best out of it? Think of sleep as your daily vacation.
When planning your day/week, start by scheduling sleep, and then use the remaining time for all other activities. Just the idea that you are putting sleep first on your to-do list can feel soothing – you’re taking care of yourself. If you make sure you know and provide your necessary time for sleeping, you can observe changes for the better very soon. Your body will feel energized, your mind fresh, and your general mood will be considerably more positive. You won’t feel awful anymore when you wake up, and it won’t take so long to become fully operational. Just make sure you include in your planning the time you spend getting ready for bed, and the interval between waking up in the morning and actually getting out of bed.
Skipping sleep is poor gambling – you never know how it will affect you. Every effort to relax and stay healthy is worth your time and energy, because, not only does it make you more productive, but it also makes you you feel more pleased with life in general.
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